- added to possible positions on where to put the N of observations in Mean and Median tabs: (fixed, mean, median)
- added arguments
requested by Mathilde - fixes for
where set to “none” - added arguments to
ggquickeda 0.3.1
CRAN release: 2024-01-15
- rebuilt docs fixed broken link
- fixing some regressions introduced by bookmarking
- fixing some errors by the new R rules for logical comparison length with
- fixing error in
not numeric (was also fixed in ggplot2) - fixing other regressions with
color and group - added support of pasting values of two/three variables where it was just a placeholder
- added function
to add facetable risk tables, km and by ntiles split exposures - added function
to add facetable logistic/linear regression with exposures split to ntiles with exposure distributions by dose/group and optional y axis projections - added link to github pages in description thanks to @olivroy
- Fix part of ggplot2 3.4.0 deprecation warnings. (#27, @olivroy)
ggquickeda 0.3.0
CRAN release: 2023-03-26
- added options to drop levels for user discrete shape and linetype scales
- fixed
group input and added ability to combine y variables - fixed issue with barplot flip applied to bivariate plots
- fixed issues with barplot percent labels when position is fill
- added checkboxes to parse x and y axis labels text
- added ability to regenerate state of apps to have a better UX workflow in Phoenix (James Craig, #28)
- removed Welcome message and added padding
- James Craig added as a co-author
ggquickeda 0.2.2
CRAN release: 2022-05-16
- fixed bug in linear model equation where slope and intercept values were switched
- fixed bug where flip barplot was not working (auto flipped barplot already supported)
- added group aesthetic and other enhancements for pairs plot
- bug fixes for expansion, zooming with user input (plots with only x variable(s) or only y variable(s))
- restored target window annotations to work with factor/character x axis
- added the possibility to change the size and linetype of density plots
- added the possibility to choose the shape of boxplot outlier points
- added options for
scale tick formatting are now visible when pairs plot are active - added options for identity line and for placement of custom/target text at plot edges
- added checkbox to recode numeric variables with -99 to missing
- removed ggstance dependency by adding needed positions to global.r
- fixed typos in Visualizing Summary Data vignette data labels
ggquickeda 0.2.1
CRAN release: 2021-06-22
- added a new method for factor reordering min/max difference
- added the mean +/- multiples of standard deviations summary using the
function - allowed to transform the label for mean and median to 10^ (useful when the x/y axis are logged)
- fixed a namespace bug with calling the
package functions likemuted
without the package being loaded, now using::
. - fixed a bug with
which is now only available from thecolourpicker
package - reactivating the colorgradient widget after
bug was updated and fixed - added distiller continuous Blues and brewer discrete palettes
- added possibility to specify palette for viridis discrete and continuous with possibility to reverse the scale
- added more support for
variables where previously they were being treated as character - automatic zoom slider is now working with
- automatic Slider or User zoom now is controllable when facets scales are free
- discrete scale is no longer applied when the x and or y variable inherits from
- modifying X/Y scale expansion is now optional (fixed auto expansion with free facets)
ggquickeda 0.2.0
CRAN release: 2021-02-15
- Added Violin plots
- Added options and fixes for histograms, barplots and densities
- Added options for Median/Mean/N labels (N digits, justification, edge positions.)
- Added points
- Added multiple enhancements for
control likepanel.border
and X and Y Axes Titles formatting - Added multiple enhancements and options for ggpairs
- logticks and rug marks can now be on the outside of plot panel
- coordinates cartesian clip can now be set to off
- x/y axis percent and comma labels format now works for univariate plots
- x/y zoom now works when more than one x and/or y variables are selected
- long x/y discrete axes labels can now be wrapped to specified length
- UI updates and auto hiding for univariate plots, pairs, km
- Boxplots UI rework
- Readme updated
- summary level data vignette updated
ggquickeda 0.1.9
CRAN release: 2020-12-16
- Made errorbars for Median/PI and Mean/CI ignore mapped size
- fixed a bug when labels from Median/PI and Mean/CI and data are used
- table1 enhancements:, render.missing, footnote and caption.
- table1 enhancements: added N missing and Sum to stats.
- added second field to order and recode variables after stacking e.g. for xvars and yvars
- added two new by variable factor sorting methods: ‘N Unique’ and ‘Sum’
- fixed a bug when custom reorder ignored the current order as starting point
- added ggplot tag field
- fixed a bug when user was selecting the same variables for x and y now stacking x and y is separate.
- fixed a bug in x axis label and barplots in some special cases
- updated UI or barplot and Density and ability to suppress label legend
- UI updates to only show the relevant options for pairs plot and histogram/barplot
- Automatic color theme switching to avoid not enough color or fill errors
- switched to github actions
ggquickeda 0.1.8
CRAN release: 2020-11-05
- Added possibility to use more than one x variable(s) and or no y variable(s)
- Added option for an explicit Missing Category with custom cuts
- Added option to compute the inverse of Numeric variables
- Moved the rounding to after division/inverse
- Added possibility to round data labels before plotting
- Added a blank shape type so we can do multiple y(s) when some layers do not have a point plotted.
- Added Docker configuration
ggquickeda 0.1.7
CRAN release: 2020-07-21
- Added support for semicolon separated files and added package version in App Title
- Added
support for x/y and for additional variable(s) - Added
for mean/CI andgeom_errorbar
for median/PI (with UI updates) - Enable dodge for mean/CI and median/PI to take into account the specified width
- Updated UI for facets options and added controls for bold, angle and justification
- Allowing specifying
for all facet labellers - Added theme options for
- Added possibility to completely remove the facet strips background and outline
- Updated UI for legends options and added controls for legend/legend box, justification and margins
- Added control for
- Added continuous x/y scale(s) asymmetrical expansion values
- Added more position adjustments for points (e.g. dodge)
- Minor enhancements for correlation coefficients
- Updated UI for theme options
- Added support for the
argument for risk table, enhanced the K-M UI and added inputs forconf.type
- Fixed code generation issues by adding dependencies
- Bumped the minimum R version to 3.6.0 and the minimum ggplot version to 3.3.1
- Refreshed vignettes and readme screenshots
ggquickeda 0.1.6
CRAN release: 2020-04-17
- withheld gradientInput addition (shinyjqui issue)
- fixed a bug in risktable when nothing was selected
- added controls for plot margins
- added controls for legend margins
- strip.position for facet_wrap and more labeller options
- added parsed x and y axis titles
- custom position for legends and specification of legend and items background fill
- updated intro vignette
ggquickeda 0.1.5
CRAN release: 2019-10-07
- let ggpairs plots reflect custom color scales
- update the emax smoother to add e0
- apply a fix for the weight aesthetic for emax smoother
- update code to be compatible with breaking change from tidyr 1.0
- user defined shape and linetype scales
- user defined custom labels for custom x and y axes ticks
- user can divide by a constant not just a column
ggquickeda 0.1.4
CRAN release: 2019-09-03
- custom labels with text, label, text_repel and label_repel
- user can now add more custom colors up to 20
- added user control to specify mid color of continuous color scales
- added user control to specify strip text colour and more colourpicker background color
- order stacked data by sd of value
- added smooth emax model via nls and parameter values
- added parameter values for lm fit and made text size adjustable
- viridis and custom continuous color scale
- added possibility to divide multiple columns by a specified one (e.g. dose normalization)
- “Treat as Categories:” now accepts character variables in addition to numeric.
- “Treat as Numeric:” added to enable converting columns read as factors.
- updated the docs for geom and
ggquickeda 0.1.3
CRAN release: 2019-04-10
- UI and options improvements for KM (line sizes, transparency, ignore group and color), linetype mappping
- changed default error in
, borrowed stairstepn from ggalt and applyingzoo::na.locf()
to deal withNA
. - added the possibility to add median survival with or without CI
- Using
to compute correlations for more flexibility and margin in facets - added ability to ignore grouping and or ignore color mapping for correlation coefficient
- added possibility to dodge means and medians
- added possibility to specify means and medians N and Values transparency and a default seed for text_repel
- geom text,label, with repel variants and position dodge for median and mean labels
- added transparency control for densities and histograms as well as linetype mappping
- added binwidth control for histogram (user defined or auto), and position dodge
- added window adjustment control for densities
- linetypes for predefined quantiles
- added the possibility to add one more therapeutic window and fixed a bug with categorical x axis
- added possibility to remove x/y axis tick labels
- fixes for continuous scales logic
- Added initial support for
ggquickeda 0.1.2
CRAN release: 2019-02-24
- bug fixed where in some cases plot data did not apply filtering
- updated and expanded merge multiple levels of a factor
- added mappings by shape for points and linetypes of lines and associated custom legends and possibility to ignore it
- added the possibility of choosing more linetypes for lines
- various UI improvements for points, lines, qr, smooth, median and mean
- added options to control size and transparency of qr, smooth, median and mean lines and added predefined qr 25 and 75%
- added options to force mean and median shapes
- fixed bug in median line not honoring transparency when Medianselected with some UI tweaks
- added more options for boxplot outliers (size and transparency)
- separate color control for major and minor gridlines with the possibility to remove them
- added
- make faceting less prone to fail when user mistakenly choose the same variable in rows and columns
- make user defined color/fill scales
ggquickeda 0.1.1
CRAN release: 2018-09-27
- added options to control facets strip background fill and placement
- added options to control panel spacing
- reworked barplots to be able to sort by frequency or reverse frequency
- histograms and densities gain more options and flexibility
- added possibility to reorder factors by length of of another variable
- added possibility to keep last row by id
- added more options to label x and y axes ticks e.g. using
- added styling options for horizontal and vertical reference lines
- added more methods for the correlation coefficient
- added p-values for slope(s) and adjusted Rsquare when a linear regression smoother is selected
- fixed a bug where x and or y axis zoom would not work in some situations
- added more stats from table1 as well as possibility to cut by quantiles
- added possibility to merge multiple levels of a factor
- fixed bug where commas in label names broke up the factor levels when using “Recode/Reorder Categories”