Produce forest plots to visualize covariate effects
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
xlabel = "",
ylabel = "",
x_facet_text_size = 13,
y_facet_text_size = 13,
x_facet_text_angle = 0,
y_facet_text_angle = 0,
x_facet_text_vjust = 0.5,
y_facet_text_vjust = 0.5,
x_facet_text_hjust = 0.5,
y_facet_text_hjust = 0.5,
x_facet_text_col = "black",
y_facet_text_col = "black",
xy_facet_text_bold = TRUE,
x_label_text_size = 16,
y_label_text_size = 16,
legend_title_size = 12,
break_ylabel = FALSE,
y_label_text_width = 25,
table_text_size = 7,
table_text_colour_overwrite = FALSE,
table_text_colour = "none",
base_size = 22,
theme_benrich = FALSE,
table_title = "",
table_title_size = 15,
ref_legend_text = "",
area_legend_text = "",
interval_legend_text = "",
interval_legend_title = "",
shape_legend_title = "",
legend_order = c("pointinterval", "ref", "area", "shape"),
combine_area_ref_legend = TRUE,
combine_interval_shape_legend = FALSE,
legend_position = "top",
show_ref_area = TRUE,
ref_area = c(0.8, 1.25),
ref_area_col = "#BEBEBE50",
show_ref_value = TRUE,
ref_value = 1,
ref_value_col = "black",
ref_value_size = 1,
ref_value_linetype = "dashed",
ref_value_by_panel = FALSE,
ref_value_by_panel_data = NULL,
interval_col = "blue",
interval_size = 1,
interval_fatten = 4,
interval_linewidth = 1,
interval_shape = "circle small",
bsv_col = "red",
bsv_shape = "circle small",
bsv_text_id = c("BSV", "bsv", "IIV", "Bsv"),
interval_bsv_text = "",
strip_col = "#E5E5E5",
paramname_shape = FALSE,
paramname_color = FALSE,
legend_shape_reverse = FALSE,
legend_color_reverse = FALSE,
facet_switch = c("both", "y", "x", "none"),
facet_scales = c("fixed", "free_y", "free_x", "free"),
facet_space = c("fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free"),
facet_labeller = "label_value",
label_wrap_width = 55,
facet_labeller_multiline = FALSE,
strip_placement = c("inside", "outside"),
strip_outline = TRUE,
facet_spacing = 5.5,
major_x_ticks = NULL,
major_x_labels = NULL,
minor_x_ticks = NULL,
x_range = NULL,
logxscale = FALSE,
show_yaxis_gridlines = TRUE,
show_xaxis_gridlines = TRUE,
show_table_facet_strip = "none",
table_facet_switch = c("both", "y", "x", "none"),
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = FALSE,
reserve_table_xaxis_label_space = TRUE,
table_panel_border = TRUE,
table_position = c("right", "below", "none"),
plot_table_ratio = 4,
vertical_dodge_height = 0.8,
legend_space_x_mult = 1,
legend_ncol_interval = 1,
legend_ncol_shape = 1,
plot_margin = c(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5),
table_margin = c(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5),
legend_margin = c(0, 0.1, -0.1, 0),
parse_xlabel = FALSE,
parse_ylabel = FALSE,
plot_title = "\n",
return_list = FALSE
Data to use.
Facet formula.
X axis title.
Y axis title.
Facet text size X.
Facet text size Y.
Facet text angle X.
Facet text angle Y.
Facet text vertical justification.
Facet text vertical justification.
Facet text horizontal justification.
Facet text horizontal justification.
Facet text color default to black.
Facet text color default to black.
Bold Facet text. Logical TRUE FALSE.
X axis labels size.
Y axis labels size.
Legend title size if present.
Split Y axis labels into multiple lines. Logical FALSE TRUE.
Number of characters to break Y axis labels.
Table text size.
Table text color to be used and overwrites mapped color
theme_bw base_size for the plot and table.
apply Benjamin Rich's theming.
What text to use for table title (theme_benrich has a default).
table title size.
Reference legend text.
Area legend text.
Pointinterval legend text.
Pointinterval legend title defaults to empty.
Shape legend title defaults to empty.
Legend order. A four-element vector with the following items ordered in your desired order: "pointinterval", "ref", "area", "shape". if an item is absent the legend will be omitted.
Combine reference and area legends if they share the same text?
Combine interval and shape legends?
where to put the legend: "top", "bottom","right","none"
Show reference window?
Reference area. Two-element numeric vector multiplying the ref_value.
Reference area background color.
Show reference line?
X intercept of reference line.
Reference line color.
Reference line size.
Reference line linetype.
The ref_value vary by panel TRUE or FALSE.
if ref_value_by_panel is TRUE, data.frame to use for Reference (lines).
Point range color. One or Multiple values.
Point range size. Default to 1
Point range fatten. Default to 4
Point range line width. Default to 1
Shape used for the Point Range. Default to "circle small".
BSV pointinterval color. One value.
Shape used for the BSV Point Range. Default to "circle small".
Text string(s) to identify BSV. Default to c("BSV","bsv","IIV","Bsv")
BSV legend text.
Strip background color.
Map symbol to parameter(s) name? TRUE or FALSE.
Map color to parameter(s) name? TRUE or FALSE.
Facet switch to near axis. Possible values: "both", "y", "x", "none".
Facet scales. Possible values: "free_y", "fixed", "free_x", "free".
Facet spaces. Possible values: "fixed", "free_x", "free_y", "free".
Facet Labeller. Default "label_value" any other valid `facet_grid` labeller can be specified.
How many characters before breaking the line. Numeric value. any other valid `facet_grid` labeller can be specified.
break facet strips into multiple lines. Logical TRUE FALSE.
Strip placement. Possible values: "inside", "outside".
Draw rectangle around the Strip. Logical TRUE FALSE.
Control the space between facets in points.
X axis major ticks. Numeric vector.
X axis labels. Character vector should be same length as major_x_ticks.
X axis minor ticks. Numeric vector.
Range of X values. Two-element numeric vector.
X axis log scale. Logical TRUE FALSE.
Draw the y axis gridlines. Logical TRUE FALSE.
Draw the x axis gridlines. Logical TRUE FALSE.
Possible values: "none", "both", "y", "x".
Table facet switch to near axis. Possible values: "both", "y", "x", "none".
Show table y axis ticks and labels?
keep space for the x axis label to keep alignment.
Draw the panel border for the table. Logical TRUE FALSE.
Table position. Possible values: "right", "below", "none".
Plot-to-table ratio. Suggested value between 1-5.
Amount of vertical dodging to apply on segments and table text.
Multiplier to adjust the spacing between legend items.
Control the number of columns for the pointinterval legend.
Control the number of columns for the shape legend.
Control the white space around the main plot. Vector of four numeric values for the top, right, bottom and left sides.
Control the white space around the table. Vector of four numeric values for the top, right, bottom and left sides.
Control the white space around the plot legend. Vector of four numeric values for the top, right, bottom and left sides.
treat xlabel as an expression. Logical FALSE TRUE.
treat ylabel as an expression. Logical FALSE TRUE.
main plot title default to a line break.
What to return if True a list of the main and table plots is returned instead of the gtable/plot.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
#> between, first, last
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Example 1
plotdata <- get_sample_data("forest-plot-table.csv")
plotdata <- plotdata %>%
mutate(midlabel = format(round(mid,2), nsmall = 2),
lowerlabel = format(round(lower,2), nsmall = 2),
upperlabel = format(round(upper,2), nsmall = 2),
LABEL = paste0(midlabel, " [", lowerlabel, "-", upperlabel, "]"))
param <- "BZD AUC"
plotdata <- filter(plotdata,paramname==param)
plotdata$covname <- reorder(plotdata$covname,plotdata$upper,FUN =max)
plotdata$label <- reorder(plotdata$label,plotdata$scen)
covs <- c("WEIGHT","AGE")
plotdata <- filter(plotdata,covname%in%covs)
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)",
xlabel = paste("Fold Change in", param, "Relative to Reference"),
logxscale = TRUE, major_x_ticks =c(0.1,1,1.5),
show_ref_area = FALSE,
paramname_color =TRUE,
interval_col =c("steelblue","red","steelblue","red"),
facet_formula = "covname~.",
facet_scales = "free_y",
facet_space = "free_y",
show_table_facet_strip = "none",
table_position = "right",
plot_title = "",
plot_table_ratio = 4)
#> Scale for x is already present.
#> Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
# Example 2
plotdata <- get_sample_data("forest-plot-table.csv")
plotdata <- plotdata %>%
mutate(midlabel = format(round(mid,2), nsmall = 2),
lowerlabel = format(round(lower,2), nsmall = 2),
upperlabel = format(round(upper,2), nsmall = 2),
LABEL = paste0(midlabel, " [", lowerlabel, "-", upperlabel, "]"))
param <- c("BZD AUC","BZD Cmax")
plotdata <- filter(plotdata,paramname%in%param)
plotdata <- filter(plotdata,covname%in%"WEIGHT")
plotdata$covname <- reorder(plotdata$covname,plotdata$upper,FUN =max)
plotdata$label <- reorder(plotdata$label,plotdata$scen)
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)",
xlabel = paste("Fold Change of Parameter", "Relative to Reference"),
show_ref_area = FALSE,
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
facet_scales = "free_y",
facet_space = "free_y",
x_facet_text_size = 10,
y_facet_text_size = 10,
y_label_text_size = 10,
y_label_text_width = 15,
x_label_text_size = 10,
facet_switch = "both",
show_table_facet_strip = "both",
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE,
table_position = "below",
plot_title = "",
plot_table_ratio = 1)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example 3a
plotdata <- get_sample_data("forest-plot-table.csv")
plotdata <- plotdata %>%
mutate(midlabel = format(round(mid,2), nsmall = 2),
lowerlabel = format(round(lower,2), nsmall = 2),
upperlabel = format(round(upper,2), nsmall = 2),
LABEL = paste0(midlabel, " [", lowerlabel, "-", upperlabel, "]"))
plotdata$covname <- reorder(plotdata$covname,plotdata$upper,FUN =max)
plotdata$label <- reorder(plotdata$label,plotdata$scen)
plotdata$compound <- c(rep("1-OH",30),rep("BZD",30))
plotdata$paramname <- c(rep("AUC",15),rep("CMAX",15),rep("AUC",15),rep("CMAX",15))
ref_area = c(0.8, 1.2),
x_facet_text_size = 13,
y_facet_text_size = 13,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to Parameter",
facet_formula = covname~compound,
facet_switch = "both",
facet_scales = "free",
facet_space = "fixed",
paramname_shape = TRUE,
legend_shape_reverse = TRUE,
interval_shape = c("square","triangle"),
paramname_color = FALSE,
combine_interval_shape_legend = FALSE,
table_position = "right", plot_title = "",
ref_area_col = rgb( col2rgb("gray50")[1], col2rgb("gray50")[2],col2rgb("gray50")[3],
max = 255, alpha = 0.1*255 ) ,
interval_col = c("steelblue"),
strip_col = "lightblue",
plot_table_ratio = 1.5)
# Example 3b
plotdata$paramname <- c(rep("1-OH",30),rep("BZD",30))
plotdata$paramname2 <- c(rep("AUC",15),rep("CMAX",15),rep("AUC",15),rep("CMAX",15))
show_ref_area = TRUE,
x_facet_text_size = 13,
y_facet_text_size = 13,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to Parameter",
facet_formula = covname~paramname2,
facet_switch = "both",
facet_scales = "free",
facet_space = "free",
legend_order = c("shape","pointinterval","ref"),
paramname_shape = TRUE,
interval_shape = c("diamond","diamond filled",
"diamond","diamond filled"),
paramname_color = TRUE,
combine_interval_shape_legend = TRUE,
legend_shape_reverse = TRUE,
legend_color_reverse = TRUE,
interval_legend_title="Median (points)\n95% CI (horizontal lines)",
table_position = "right", plot_title = "",
ref_area_col = "gray85" ,
interval_col = c("#ee3124", "#fdbb2f"),
strip_col = "#475c6b",
y_facet_text_col = "white",x_facet_text_col = "white",
major_x_labels = c("1/2", "0.8","1", "1.25", "2"),
logxscale = TRUE, major_x_ticks =c(0.5,0.8,1,1.25,2),
table_text_size = 5,
plot_table_ratio = 1.5,
ref_value_by_panel = TRUE,
ref_value_by_panel_data =
plotdata %>%
distinct(paramname2,covname) %>%
# Example 3
plotdata <- get_sample_data("forestplotdatacpidata.csv")
ref_area = c(0.8, 1.2),
x_facet_text_size = 12,
y_facet_text_size = 12,
y_label_text_size = 10,
x_label_text_size = 10,
table_text_size = 6,
plot_table_ratio = 1.5,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to RHZE",
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
table_position = "below",
show_table_facet_strip = "both",
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE)
# Example 4
plotdata <- get_sample_data("dataforest.csv")
plotdata <- plotdata %>%
dplyr::mutate(midlabel = format(round(mid,2), nsmall = 2),
lowerlabel = format(round(lower,2), nsmall = 2),
upperlabel = format(round(upper,2), nsmall = 2),
LABEL = paste0(midlabel, " [", lowerlabel, "-", upperlabel, "]"))
plotdata <- plotdata %>%
plotdata$label <- as.factor(as.character(plotdata$label))
plotdata$label <- factor(plotdata$label, c("36.2 kg","66 kg","110 kg"))
ref_area = c(0.8, 1.2),
x_facet_text_size = 13,
y_facet_text_size = 13,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to Parameter",
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
facet_switch = "both",
facet_scales = "free",
facet_space = "fixed",
table_position = "below",
plot_table_ratio = 1,
show_table_facet_strip = "both",
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE)
# Example 5
ref_area = c(0.8, 1.2),
x_facet_text_size = 13,
y_facet_text_size = 13,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to Parameter",
facet_formula = "covname~.",
facet_switch = "both",
facet_scales = "free",
facet_space = "fixed",
paramname_shape = TRUE,
table_position = "none",
ref_area_col = rgb( col2rgb("gray50")[1], col2rgb("gray50")[2],col2rgb("gray50")[3],
max = 255, alpha = 0.1*255 ) ,
interval_col = "steelblue",
strip_col = "lightblue",
plot_table_ratio = 1)
} # }