Expand covariate values choices and reference values varying one at a time

expand_modelframe(rv, covcol = "covname", ...)



a data.frame with columns names of covariate(s) and values equal reference


column name for the covariate being varied


Arguments to be passed to methods


A data.frame with combination of covariates


reference.values <- data.frame(WT = 85, ALB = 45, SEX = 0)   
covcomb <- expand_modelframe(
  WT  = c(56, 72, 98, 128), # P05, P25, P75, P95 # ref is P50
ALB = c(40, 50),          # P05, P95 # ref is P50
  SEX = c(1),               # Reference is for SEX=0 (female)
  rv = reference.values)
#>    WT ALB SEX covname
#> 1  56  45   0      WT
#> 2  72  45   0      WT
#> 3  98  45   0      WT
#> 4 128  45   0      WT
#> 5  85  40   0     ALB
#> 6  85  50   0     ALB
#> 7  85  45   1     SEX